Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 13, 2014

Life on Life's Terms

Please recycle
The next morning I was eating my breakfast cereal when I noticed a small symbol at the bottom of box.  Tiny arrows encircled the words "100% recycled paperboard."
"I'm paperboard," I said out loud to myself.
  On rare days I felt a miserable kinship with recycled paper – shredded, drowned, re-formed, and dried out.  But most days I felt happily recycled – taken from the trash heap and made useful again.

Today I will be grateful I was recycled.
Life on Life's Terms (c) 2014 by Ken Montrose


This week's freebie is the Kindle version of Home Groupies a daily message book in the form of a novella.  It is available at  http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001K8MG0S.

To read Kindle books on a PC or Mac, you can download a free app at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000426311


Burnout: Clinical, Ethical, & Supervisory Issues
September 12, 2014 at Greenbriar-New Kensington
9:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m
$30 payable in advance, at the door, or by invoice after the training

This three hour training is accredited for:
  • Addiction Counselors by the Pa. Certification Board
  • CRCs  by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification # 11938191652 and 11938191653 (one hour Ethics portion)
  • Counselors by NAADAC #477 and NBCC #6352
  • EAPs by the Employee Assistance Certification Commission
  • Social Workers by the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work.

Other Blogs

 AArdvarks, a daily messages blog about a group of young people in recovery can be found at: https://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/6808483-sparkplugs

Smart Bears, Angry Rats

I'm doing it for you 75 years from now
Sammy had decided to accept The Caller's offer.  'Not because I have to,' he thought, 'but because I want to.  I could tell The Caller to buzz off.  And I could stop taking Lil' Bit if I wanted to, but why would I when I'm so close to finding a cure?  I owe it to cancer victims to keep taking Lil' Bit.'  It helps me see the big picture.'
Sammy wasn't done.  'Ubutu may be a smart guy, but he doesn't understand biochemistry the way I do.  Showing him how some illegal drugs really work might get him to invest with The Caller.  Imagine the good they could do if they combined forces.'
'And what about Olsen?' Sammy thought. 'Olsen thinks everybody who expands his mind is going to wind up like Olsen's father.  Clearly he doesn't understand the difference between a primitive drug like alcohol and something as complex as Lil' Bit. If I show him that not all drugs are the same, he might lighten up. He might even enjoy life a little more. I owe him that much.'
Sammy smiled.  The more he thought about it, the more he saw the good side of taking Lil' Bit and working for The Caller.  'It would be selfish not to.'

Today I will beware of my ability justify anything I really want to do.

Smart Bears, Angry Rats (c) 2014 by Ken Montrose

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