Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 7, 2014

Monday July 7, 2014
Specific Change

When I got home that night I found three quarters, a dime, and a penny on my nightstand.  I called my son into my room.  "What's this?" I asked pointing to the coins.
"Your change.  Didn't you say you wanted change?"
"Yes change.  Change from a twenty.  A five dollar bill, a couple of ones.  Real change."
"You should have been more specific," he said.  "When you said 'change' I thought you meant coins."
My daughter poked her head in the room.  "Everyone knows change means coins.  You should have said you wanted paper change."
"Is there a reason you're agreeing with your brother?" I asked, more than a little suspicious.
"No, but I need money for the movies," she said.
"I need change. Real change.  Paper change," I said.

 Today I will be specific about what I need.
g-NAts (c) 2013 by Ken Montrose
Smart Bears, Angry Rats
"Whatcha writing?" My daughter asked.  We were sitting on the couch.
"Independence list," I said.  "It's a gratitude list I write once a year after the 4th of July."
"Why the two columns?" 
"The left is toxic people, places, and things I've left behind.  Alcohol.  Mean girlfriends.  My old self. Bad influence friends. Thirty pounds of beer belly. I'm grateful to be independent of all of them."
"What's on the right side?"
"The right side is things I've completed, accomplished, outgrown, or gotten through.  They were mostly positive, but I'm done with them.  I've gained independence because of them.  Childhood.  High school. College.  Grad School.  First year of recovery." 
"So the goal is to get completely independent?"
"No, one goal is to get rid of anything that interferes with enjoying my connectedness.  The other is to be the kind of person I'd want to be connected to."
 Today I will write an independence list.
Smart Bears, Angry Rats © 2014 by Ken Montrose
This week's freebie is the Kindle version of Choosing a Higher Purpose: A guide for agnostics and atheists in recovery.  The Kindle version is available at

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Coming Soon
Past postings from g-NAts and Smart Bears, Angry Rats! 

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