Friday, September 7, 2018

Par lay voo France, eh?
Two weeks later the subpoena arrived by certified mail. I was required to be in court the last two days in October. Those were the days I was supposed to finally present the burnout training.

After all the back and forth fighting about the time, place, and price of the burnout training, I’d have to cancel it.  I would no doubt be sitting in a courtroom for hours, waiting to testify for ten minutes, about something I didn’t know much about. I wasn’t happy.

I took a deep breath and said out loud, “C’est la vie. That’s life.”  I smiled. When Blondie was a baby, I told Dr. Deb I was going to teach her French.   Dr. Deb pointed out that I knew maybe two French words, and couldn’t pronounce either of them correctly.

I had said to Blondie, “Time for your French lesson. Say ‘Mario Lemieux, Pepe Le Pew, chocolate mousse, Jacques Cousteau, Black Jacques Shellac, chic boutique,…’”

The memory made me smile, even though I  was still a little angry,   I texted Blondie “Par lay voo France, eh?”

Today I will accept, and maybe laugh at, forces in my life beyond my control.

Burnout Training ©2018 by Ken Montrose

Burnout Training is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:

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