Thursday, September 27, 2018

Not long after my conversation with Drivel, The New Boss called me into his office. He wanted to give me first chance to buy his cabin. He and his trophy wife were retiring to a houseboat in Florida. How to respond?

I wanted to say, ‘You insensitive jackass. I have a kid in college and another in grad school. Unlike you I didn't retire at 50. I will work until they find me slumped over my desk or I collapse at a podium somewhere. To pay for funeral costs, I’ve arranged to have my body run through a woodchipper and sold for mulch. I sincerely hope your last sight of your wife is from the deck of your sinking houseboat as she climbs aboard a deckhand’s dinghy and motors off into the sunset.’

Instead I remembered he had taken me fishing, and, the founders of AA cited resentment as the number one killer of serenity and sobriety. I said, “Congratulations on your retirement. I’m really not in a position to buy another house right now, but thanks for asking me first.”

His smile was a little awkward when he said, “Well, I didn’t really ask you first. You’re the first person from this office I’ve asked…”

I didn’t say, ‘As they’re pulling away from the flames shooting out of your uninsured boat, I hope she looks over her shoulder at you and holds up a briefcase you know is full of your money.’ Instead, I said to myself, ‘let it go, you have a good life, no sense in letting resentment spoil your day.’

“No problem, I’m just flattered you asked. Who’s going to take over for you?”

Today I’ll beware of resentment.

Burnout Training ©2018 by Ken Montrose

Burnout Training is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:

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