Friday, September 14, 2018

The Worst
Between the ceremony and the reception a line formed at the bathroom.  Frozen Snake Boy got in line behind me. I nodded slightly, hoping he’d read the gesture as ‘I’ll acknowledge you exist, but that’s about it.’  He didn’t get the hint.

“I’m not a bad guy,” Frozen Snake Boy said. Clearly, he knew who I was. “It’s just that women like me. I get tempted, but I always come back to Brittany.” He wanted credit for that.

I should have said, ‘you arrogant little punk, I pray you never have kids.’ Instead, I said, “Brittany has a big heart. You break that heart every chance you get. She deserves better.”

For just a second I thought I saw regret cross his face, but he loved himself too much to feel bad about anything he’d done. He said, “Brittany says you like quotes. Well here’s one for you. Judge not. Maybe you’ve heard that one.”

“Let me quote a meme I saw the other day. ‘I’d unplug your life-support to charge my phone.’”
The door to the bathroom opened and I walked in, thinking ‘that kid brings out the worst in me.’

Today I’ll avoid people who bring out the worst in me.

Burnout Training ©2018 by Ken Montrose

Burnout Training is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:

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