Wednesday, February 15, 2023



Progress not Perfection

I sat in my writing chair, determined to write my blog before I went to bed.   Seventy-five minutes went by as I rejected one idea after another.  Finally, I saw the time and made myself write a paragraph.

On the one hand, it still took me forever to write. On the other, I’d gotten to the point where I wrote almost every day.

“Progress not perfection,” I said to the cat. He purred in agreement.

The cat had gotten good at catching mice and moles, which was progress.  He brought them into the house which was less than perfect.

Most people I knew who gave up bad habits struggled at first. They made progress but had setbacks along the way. Recovery from anything was rarely perfect.



Today I’ll shoot for progress not perfection.


Novella is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:



#addictionawareness #dailymessage #inspiration #odaat #recoveryposse #recoveryispossible

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