Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 10, 2014

Life on Life's Terms

Sane people
When I got to work the next day, The Other Ken informed me that Julie was in the bathroom, vomiting. 
"Morning sickness," he said, shaking his head.  "I wish she had gotten a little clean time under her belt before she got pregnant."
"I hope she'll stay clean now that she is," I said.
"I hope so too.  I spoke with Darren, the baby's father, who's thrilled and wants to do anything he can to help her stay clean."
"Well that's good news, the fact that she's got family support." 
"And here's the bad news.  Krista spoke with Julie's grandmother.  Grandma said she smoked weed and drank wine with all five of her kids. While she was carrying them and when they became teenagers. According to Grandma four of them turned out fine, and one got brainwashed by NA.  Want to guess which one?"
"Julie's mom or dad?"
"Julie's mom.  Grandma says we should leave Julie alone.  Apparently Grandma got custody of Julie when Julie's mom went to jail for selling pills.  Grandma blames the pharmaceutical companies and the court system for her incarceration.  She wants Julie to move back in with her."
"What's Julie say?" I asked.
"She says she's glad she's got Darren, the one sane person in her life."

Today I will be grateful for any sane people in my life.

Life on Life's Terms (c) 2014 by Ken Montrose


This week's freebie is the Kindle version of My Plan to Ruin Your Life: The first recovery workbook written by your Addiction.  It is available at  http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001K8MG0S.

Other Blogs

AArdvarks, daily messages blog about a group of young people in recovery, can be found at:https://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/6972759-killer-chihuahua.

Upcoming  Trainings

When Even the Voices Are Hungover
September 10, 2014 at Kerr Presbyterian Church in Verona
9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
$50 payable in advance, at the door, or by invoice after the training

This five hour training is accredited for:

  • Addiction Counselors by the Pa. Certification Board
  • Nurses by the PSNA #101-1-O-14
  • Counselors by NAADAC #477 and NBCC #6352
  • EAPs by the Employee Assistance Certification Commission
  • Social Workers by the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work.

To register, please visit our website greenbriartraining.com or send an email to:kmontrose@greenbriar.net

Smart Bears, Angry Rats

Concerned  150 years later
Sonya's iWall rang.  A young soldier was at the door, offering to check her anti-rat screens and wiring. 
"It's Saturday," Sonya pointed out, "aren't you allowed to relax on base today?"
"I am ma'am, but there's been several bear sightings nearby, and I wanted to make sure everybody in my area was OK." 
"I appreciate your concern!  It is very thoughtful of you to give up your day off to check on the neighborhood."
"If my grandma was as old as you, I'd want somebody to check on her, ma'am," the soldier said, smiling.
"And just when I was starting to like you," Sonya muttered.
"It was nothing.  Thank you for your concern.  You're a sweet and thoughtful young man,"  Sonya said. 

Today I will be grateful for people who go above and beyond expectations out of concern for others. 

Smart Bears, Angry Rats (c) 2014 by Ken Montrose

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