Tuesday, September 30, 2014

October 1, 2014

Life on Life's Terms

David called to ask me if I'd heard about Smiley's plans to sue him. 
"His selective hearing is even worse than mine used to be."
"How so?" I asked. 
"Smiley's lawyer isn't a real lawyer.  The guy was a jailhouse lawyer in some prison in New York. Even he told Smiley if he sued the company or the union, he wouldn't have much of a case."
"And Smiley only heard the part about suing the company and the union."
"A couple of years ago, I would have heard exactly the same thing – just what I wanted to hear."
"I'm glad your hearing has improved," I said.
The line fell silent for a moment before David added, "I hear what Andrea says, and that makes this the happiest of my three marriages.  But, it kills me that I never heard what my exes and my boys were really saying.  I hear them now."

Today I will be grateful for improved hearing, even if I don't always like what I hear.

Life on Life's Terms (c) 2014 by Ken Montrose

Upcoming  Trainings

Suicide, Violence, Mental Illness, & Addiction
October 8, 2014 at Kerr Presbyterian Church in Verona
9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
$50 payable in advance, at the door, or by invoice after the training

This five hour training is accredited for:
  • Addiction Counselors by the Pa. Certification Board
  • Nurses by the PSNA #101-1-O-14
  • Counselors by NAADAC #477 and NBCC #6352
  • EAPs by the Employee Assistance Certification Commission
  • Social Workers by the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work.

To register, please visit our website greenbriartraining.com or send an email to: kmontrose@greenbriar.net

Other Blogs

AArdvarks, a daily messages blog about a group of young people in recovery, can be found at: https://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/7090396-stuck

Smart Bears, Angry Rats

Epilogue III
       Rita died peacefully in her sleep.  Her second marriage lasted twenty-eight blissful years.  She had resisted remarrying after her miserable first marriage to Sammy.  Friends convinced her she couldn't let Sammy have that much influence over her.
      T'Cell and his partner started their own tech and manufacturing firm, making roller-free copiers that never jammed.  The world rejoiced.  When a wave of Lil' Bit abuse swept through the tech industry, T'Cell instituted a strict drug-testing program for his employees.  He told them what he'd seen Lil' Bit do to his father.  He'd rather they were healthy and happy than artificially insightful.

Today I will not let people from my past define me.

Smart Bears, Angry Rats (c) 2014 by Ken Montrose

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