Sunday, September 17, 2017

2020 Vision

January 7, 2020
The Boss, now my former boss,  implied I was being a big baby.  She implied it by saying, “You’re being a big baby. It’s time for you to move on.”

We were sitting in a Peruvian restaurant – the newest food fad.  Blondie had graduated college and was marrying AntPup in the spring.  Brat Boy was a sophomore, playing college volleyball and dating CharChar.  Doctor Deb and I were a year away from celebrating our 30th. My family was settled.

The Boss had retired. The hospital who owned the rehab had been bought by a healthcare system that owned half of Pennsylvania.  They had been absorbed into a conglomerate.  I didn’t have anything against the conglomerate, but didn’t feel the loyalty to them I held for The Boss and the rehab. 

I had started to sell books. Not Stephen King or J.K. Rowling sales, but enough to cover my salary.

I had run out of excuses for moving on.  And unlike a lot of people who came to rehab, I wasn’t being forced to change, or in so much pain that change seemed my only choice. 

Today I will be grateful when change is my choice.

2020 Vision ©2017 by Ken Montrose
2020 Vision is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:

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