Friday, June 8, 2018

Spare Change
Even with The New Boss’s support, I was a little rattled. I started to doodle, lost in thought and only half paying attention.  I drew a stick figure standing in the rain next to a highway with a sign that read ‘will train for food.’  “Snap out of Montrose,” I said out loud.

I switched to a nerdy mind game I play when I want to focus.   I wrote several popular quotes and AA slogans on the left side and began rewording them on the right, focusing on changing my outlook.
“Be the Change You Want to See’ I wrote, quoting Gandhi.  After staring at it for several minutes, I scribbled:
‘Change the sea you want to be. Be warm like the Mediterranean, not cold like the Bering.’  I tried to smile even though I wanted to choke the people asking for a discount and my copyrights.

‘Change the being you want to see. Spend time with people who lift you spirits, especially if you have to be around people who drain you.’  I texted my family to see who was up for pizza/movie night.

‘See the being you want to change. Know who you want to be.’ I wanted not to be rattled by customers, no matter how important they were.

Today I will look at changes I want to make.

Burnout Training ©2018 by Ken Montrose

Burnout Training is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:

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