Monday, January 31, 2022

Fawlty Showers 2

 Buttermilk and Whiskey, Jelly Beans and Bacon

As I sat in the locker room of the gym that night, I overheard a middle-aged man giving a younger man advice on how to handle Valentine’s Day. The younger man and his wife had hit a rough patch in their marriage.

I wondered if the younger man recognized the older guy from his commercials. 

“You’re taking relationship advice from a divorce attorney,” I muttered to myself.  “His TV commercial says he hung up his shingle to help you get single.”

The attorney told the younger man not to make a big deal of the day, or he’d have to do so every time they argued. I had to admit, the attorney was smooth and persuasive.

I remembered a doc I’d worked with who held board certifications in both psychiatry and neurology. Our clients would ignore his advice, more interested in their barber or bartender’s opinion.

“Buttermilk and whiskey,” I said to myself, thinking about a particular client. “That crazy bartender told him buttermilk and whiskey cured depression.”  

I couldn’t judge people too harshly. If we like the messenger and/or the message we tend to follow their advice.

If someone I admired told me jelly beans and bacon were the keys to healthy diet, I’d likely eat both until my arteries clogged and my teeth fell out.

“When you ‘consider the source,’” I said to the locker, “you gotta pay attention to how much you like the message and the messenger.”


Today I’ll be careful about liking the messenger and the message too much.


Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:




#addictionawareness #dailymessage #inspiration #odaat #recoveryposse #recoveryispossible

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