Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 15, 2014

That night my daughter was waiting for me at the top the stairs when I got home.
"You knew," she said, poking me in the chest.
"What?" I asked.  "And why are you poking me?"
"You knew about Brat Boy's new girlfriend and you didn't tell me."
"He thought you'd grill him for information.  He asked me not to say anything."
"Of course I'd grill him!  I'll bet you didn't get any details, did you?"
"He told me where she lives in case I need to pick him up.  She's in his grade at school and he likes her.  I know what a father needs to know."
Blondie looked at me with a mixture of pity and sadness.  She rattled off a list of things she wanted to know, and how she planned to get the information.  I wondered if she had lied about going to soccer camp in the summer, sneaking off instead to the CIA's Interrogation school.
"Give the kid some privacy," I said, knowing she wouldn't.  I pondered how this world of train wreck reality TV shows, selfies, YouTube, NSA, Big Data, and tabloid journalism would be better off with just a touch more privacy for everyone.

Today I will respect other people's privacy.

Relapse Prevention Group © 2014 by Ken Montrose

Greenbriar publications are available at:

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