Friday, July 26, 2019

My cell phone rang. Trevor called to tell me a hiker had found Josh’s body in the desert outside of Las Vegas. 

Our friend Josh had gotten sober only to pick up an addiction to gambling.  “Apparently he owed some bad people a lot of money,” Trevor said. 

Kahlil Gibran wrote that the deeper sorrow carves into you, the more joy you can hold. I held onto that notion as waves of grief and anger washed over me.

For most of the morning I fought the idea that Josh wasn’t coming back from Vegas, wasn’t going to beat his gambling addiction, wasn’t going to put his life back on track.

Finally, I accepted the unacceptable. Addictions killed people, and not just anonymous people, or people I barely knew, not just celebrities on the news.

Today I may have to accept the unacceptable.

 Dogged Determination ©2018 & 2019 by Ken Montrose

Dogged Determination is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:

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