Monday, January 15, 2018

Sunday, March 1st, 2020

Emotional Emboli
Jack wasn’t dead, but his life had gotten a whole lot worse.

Injecting heroin can cause endocarditis, the doc explained. Bacteria get into the blood stream and attach and grow on the heart valves. Septic emboli, little pellets of bacteria, can break off.  When they travel to the brain where they block a blood vessel, causing an embolism in the brain, a stroke.

As he explained, I wondered about emotional and intellectual emboli. Harmful emotions and beliefs gettting attached to the heart that could break free. Too many people I knew let resentment build in their hearts until it traveled to their brains, killing their ability to think. Maybe a ‘fit of rage’ was really built up anger breaking free of the heart in an emotional embolism.

Likewise, I’d heard people talk about toxic chemicals and people, remembering only the ‘good times.’ They let the idea they could use those chemicals again, or be with those people once more, grow in their hearts.  Relapse could be their hearts’ desires building up and breaking free, blocking their brain’s warnings.

“It’s sad,” the doctor said to me in the hall as Jill sat by Jack’s bed, “This was preventable and treatable, but only until it broke away.”

Today I will beware of letting toxic emotions build in my heart.

2020 Vision ©2017 by Ken Montrose

2020 Vision is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:

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