Credit Card
After dinner Blondie gave me back my credit card she’d used
to pay for a cake.
Blondie said, “If there’s expensive stuff on the bill, Brat Boy probably got the card out of my wallet.”
She was joking.
Blondie was a responsible adult who didn’t run up huge credit card
bills. She got me thinking about how
getting drunk was like handing your credit card to a childish version of
yourself. Instead of charging things a child might like, you did adult things
you’d have to pay for later.
Problem drinkers ran up the bill with beer muscles, wearing
beer goggles. They drove drunk, had ill-advised sexual encounters with other
problem drinkers, embarrassing themselves and hurting loved ones. Sometimes they
just rusted away, wasting their time, poisoning their relationships.
“Not gonna give that card to that drunken version of me,” I
said. “Not today.”
Blondie looked puzzled, then laughed and said, “You’re talking to yourself again, Dad.”
Today I’ll be careful who I hand my credit card to.
Fawlty Showers II
is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you
might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: