I sat for a moment trying to decide what to say next. I knew
Epiphany well enough to worry she might focus on what she was giving up instead
of what she had.
“Let me twist Aesop’s fable about a dog for you,” I said.
“Oh, so I’m a dog?” Epiphany said, her feathers ruffled.
“You’re not the dog. There’s no actual dog, it’s just a story.”
“Okay, but can I at least be a pretty dog? Maybe a sheltie,
or a collie?”
“You’re not in the story,” I said, trying to be patient. “This
story has been told since before you were born.”
Epiphany started to say something, but I interrupted.
“A butcher throws the dog a bone. On the way home the dog
crosses a bridge and sees his reflection in the water. He thinks it’s another
dog with a bigger bone.”
“He’s not a very smart dog. He better be pretty or loveable
or he’s gonna wind up at the pound.”
I plowed on. “He drops his bone and jumps at the reflection
thinking he’ll wrestle an even bigger bone from the other dog. Instead he loses
his bone and nearly drowns.”
“I’m not sure I get it,” Epiphany said.
“The bone is the second chance you’ve been given. The bone
is your youth and intelligence and whatever else you have going for you as you
start over.”
The funny thing about Epiphany was she could be a clueless
chatterbox one minute and insightful the next. She said, “Aesop’s fable was about
being greedy, but it also tells you not to jump at illusions.”
I nodded. “The reflection is whatever we chase that isn’t
what we thought it would be, and might drown us.”
Today I won’t drown chasing illusions.
Fawlty Showers 2
is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you
might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:
#dailymessage #inspiration #odaat #recoveryposse #recoveryispossible
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