Passing the Drug Screen
When I got home I grabbed a cookie, broke it in half, and
put the other half back in the tin.
“On a diet?” Dr. Deb asked.
“I have my physical in two weeks,” I said. “I’m cutting back
on sweets before they check my blood sugar.”
“You’re like the guy who stops using just long enough to
pass a drug screen, instead of admitting he has a problem, changing his
“Nuh uh,” I said, wondering how she could ever counter an
argument as logical and persuasive as ‘nuh uh.’
“You’re like the guy who makes a big deal on special
occasions, but otherwise neglects his girlfriend.”
“Am not.”
“You’re like…”
“OK, I get it. I need to do more than ‘pass the drug screen.’”
Today I’ll do more than ‘pass the drug screen.’
Fawlty Showers 2
is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you
might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:
#addictionawareness #dailymessage #inspiration
#odaat #recoveryposse #recoveryispossible
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