Tuesday, July 25, 2017

84. Shhhh
After my workout, I went to the steam room.  People seldom spoke in there, and nobody brought their cell phone.  When people did talk, it was usually in low whispers.  Compared to the noise and confusion of the rest of my day, the steam room was an oasis of calm. 
Brat Boy and Blondie could study with the radio and TV on, while chatting with friends.  The distractions that would have driven me up the wall didn’t seem to affect them at all.  They would have described the steam room as too quiet, and maybe even creepy.  Both were amazed I sometimes drove with the radio off.  Long ago I had quit arguing with them about turning down the volume in their lives.  They thrived in the noise.  I needed the quiet, and I had watched too many people who also needed it burnout because they didn’t make the time for it.
Today I will find however much quiet time I need.
Time for a Change ©2017 by Ken Montrose
Time for a Change is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: www.greenbriartraining.com


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