Thursday, January 30, 2020

Bad Luck
I reported to jury duty Monday morning.

The case involved a drunk driving accident. A young man named Deiter had been driving when a man named Martin had hit him broadside.  Deiter’s girlfriend had been killed.  Martin, a middle-aged  with three prior DUIs, was charged with manslaughter.

Martin’s lawyer argued that while the accident was unfortunate, Martin should have only been charged with another DUI.   Martin’s blood alcohol level had been .11, Deiter’s .09. 

The lawyer said the evidence would prove neither driver was really at fault.  He blamed Deiter’s small car, road conditions, and the timing of the traffic lights.  He questioned whether anyone was seriously impaired at .11.

They lawyer finished saying bad luck was like a machine - people accidently got caught in the gears. We shouldn’t pull them out of that machine and throw them into the gears of the criminal justice system.

‘So often we create our own bad luck,’ I thought.

Today I won’t create ‘bad luck’.

Jury Duty © 2019 by Ken Montrose
Jury Duty is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:

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