Monday, December 13, 2021

Fawlty Showers 2



That afternoon I presented a training on medications and recovery to a group of clinicians.

In detail, I outlined a five step plan for staying sober while taking medications. I went further to say that for people with serious mental illnesses, medications could be necessary to recovery.

A thirtysomething sitting near the front, turned sideways in his chair, not looking at me. At times he sighed loudly, stared at the ceiling, and/or glanced at his phone. 

At the end I asked for questions and comments.  Sideways raised his hand, contempt written all over his face.  “Oh, so people are just supposed to stop taking their medications and commit suicide?”

The crowd turned on him, pointing out that was the exact opposite of what I’d been saying for three hours.  ‘It’s a shame they don’t burn people at the stake anymore,’ I thought.

I had put a lot of effort into that training, including writing a 30 page workbook clinicians could use with their clients.  Sideways put a ton of effort into the nasty email he sent to my boss the next day, saying what I horrible person/presenter I was, demanding an apology.

There was a time when I would have let Sideways bother me. I might have wasted half a day writing him a return email patiently explaining my point of view.  I treated myself to a bucket-size coffee and a cinnamon roll instead.

“There’s no shortage of jackasses,” I said to DD the bunny sitting on my lap. “Never let them bring you down.”


Today I won’t let the jackasses bring me down.


Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:




#addictionawareness #dailymessage #inspiration #odaat #recoveryposse #recoveryispossible

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