Wednesday, August 23, 2017

106. Keep the Home Fires Burning
While I was on Pinterest, I stumbled across an expression I hadn’t heard in years: ‘keep the home fires burning.’ It meant to keep up with daily life while someone was away. The expression came from a song popular during World War I.  While soldiers fought in horrible battles, the best loved ones could do was keep homes running and families together.  This was no easy task. Worrying about a loved one, doing without necessities, and assuming that person’s responsibilities took a toll on people back home.
Loved ones of anybody fighting a battle with addiction, cancer, mental illness, other problems know the struggle to keep the home fires burning.  Taking care of a sick loved one while going to work and raising children for example, can be overwhelming.  And yet, many people beat themselves up, wondering if they could do more.  Keeping the home fires burning might be the most heroic thing they can do. This includes keeping a home together while someone is away at rehab, or fighting an active addiction.
Today I will help someone keep the home fires burning.
Time for a Change ©2017 by Ken Montrose
Time for a Change is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:

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